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Communicating with your college student: How much is too much or not enough?

Here and gone, that’s the way I think of first-semester college students. For roughly 18 years, you knew who their friends were, and where they spent their days and (mostly)...
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Having a Study Buddy Keeps Students Accountable

Having a Study Buddy has been increasing in popularity, and for good reason.  We all know that having someone to keep us accountable can help in a myriad of situations...
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Study Stations Motivate ADHD Teens To Do Homework

by Susan V. Schaefer, M.Ed., M.A.T. It’s a brand-spankin' new school year and a great time to talk about how you can best help your teen get their homework done. ...
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The Secret to College Success: Student Contracts

by Susan V. Schaefer, M.Ed., M.A.T. Many students are heading off to college this week and although we want them to have fun and do well in their classes, some...
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Stopping-Out to Prevent Dropping-Out of College

You've heard of dropping out of college, but now there are so many students taking time off from college and then going back, that I think the term "Stopping-Out" makes...
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7 Ways to Build Healthy Habits this Summer

As students stepped out of their Covid cocoons and back into their classrooms last fall, everyone was talking about how to help students catch up with their academics. What wasn’t...
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How to Help your Child Be More Prepared for School this Fall

As the school year draws to a close and summer is within reach, parents are asking the burning question, what can I do to help my child be more prepared...
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7 Ways You Can Support Your Anxious College Student Power Through Finals

Can we all just agree that it’s been a rough semester?  The pattern of student motivation decreasing as the temperature rises in the spring has been true since the stone...
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8 Sure-Fire Ways to Boost Scores on Multiple Choice Tests

Try these simple yet effective strategies to improve performance on standardized and multiple-choice tests.
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3 Keys to Academic Success

Here are 3 keys on how to help students who experience difficulties in school due to executive function difficulties.  
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Executive Functions and ADHD Primer

Executive Function (EF) is a term we hear so often that what it means is assumed to be common knowledge, but is it really? Here is a little primer to help...
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Positive Pandemic Lessons for Students

In spite of all the negativity that transpired in 2021, I have decided to welcome 2022 with hope and optimism.  Students are mostly back in school and solidly in the...
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10 Ways to Help Parents Survive the Time Between College Graduation and the First Job

Job hunting can seem overwhelming to recent college grads, here are some ways you can stay sane and even help.
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The Lingering Effects of Online Learning: 5 Tips That Can Help

In what seemed like the blink of an eye, COVID turned the whole world upside down. It was truly difficult and everyone was impacted, but one of the hardest-hit groups...
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20 Things You Should Know About Dyslexia

These 20 little-known but important facts about dyslexia can help you help your child be more successful at school.
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5 Reasons Your Child Needs An Academic Summer Program

Unless you live in Antarctica in a snow cave, you have probably heard the expression “summer slide” to describe setbacks in academic skills which students experience over the summer.
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The Hard Facts about Soft Skills

Soft skills are the skills needed to function on an adult level; time management, responsibility, commitment, the ability to make decisions and problem-solving, effective communication skills, teamwork, etc.) and most...
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College Grad Still Living in your Basement?

It’s been months since your adult child graduated from college and still no job.  He is getting more irritable by the day and you are down to only being able...
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Is ADHD Mostly a Boy Thing?

The definitive answer to this question is yes and no. It is true that boys are 2 times more likely, and in some research I read even more likely than...
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