Coach Stephanie

Stephanie Herrera, M.S.

Academic Coach

Stephanie holds a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish education from Central CT State University and a Master’s degree in curriculum and instruction from the American College of Education. She has been a high school Spanish teacher for the past 7 years and works to teach her students how to manage their time with the given tasks, improve their learning and study skills, and ultimately release the responsibility of learning to her students. She strives to teach the same skills to her academic coaching students to help them reach their academic goals. In the summer, Stephanie can be found tutoring in Spanish to help students maintain their fluency in the language or to improve their level of speaking and writing in Spanish, and of course, coaching ACA students on executive function skills in preparation for the coming school year.

In her free time and summer, Stephanie loves spending her time with her family and friends by having multiple loud cookouts and going to the beach as much as possible. She belongs to a book club that allows her to get lost in books as well.