Coach Lauren Roach

Lauren Roach, M.S.

College Academic Coach

Lauren obtained her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from East Carolina University, where she studied Criminal Justice with a specialization in Criminal Justice Education. While in school, she worked as an academic coach for college students with ADHD and other learning differences and as a college prep teacher for high school seniors. While working as an academic coach, Lauren worked with her students to strengthen their problem-solving, time management, and planning skills to ensure their success in their coursework and other areas of life. 

Lauren has held many different jobs throughout her professional career, but being able to work with students who are struggling in academia has always been a passion. It is essential to her that each student knows that it is perfectly fine to need extra help to be successful, and she strives to make sure that each student she works with knows she is committed to their success. Lauren currently serves as a writing coach with her publishing company and is the Deputy Registrar for Pitt County, North Carolina.

In her spare time, Lauren enjoys music and spends most of her time reading, writing, going to the gym, and watching reality television with her husband.